Skin tightening

TempSure Envi uses fine vibrations to target fine lines, wrinkles and loose skin to trigger rebuilding of collagen to tighten and improve skin appearance.

Skin revitalization

We offer PicoSure skin tightening to target and remove minor skin imperfections and reduce signs of aging without the hassle of more invasive laser services.

Laser Hair Removal

We offer targeted laser hair removal to treat those troublesome hairs that won’t go away. Save time shaving and feel your best after letting us remove unwanted and unneeded hair from anywhere you want it gone.

Tattoo Removal

We offer quick and safe laser tattoo removal. This process breaks up tattoos into small enough pieces that your body can safely and naturally remove them with little to no scarring at all.

Cellulite Reduction

Our Cellulite Reduction treatments target an eliminate stubborn or old cellulite to help you look and feel your best. The treatments are quick effective and safe. If you have cellulite that you are embarrassed about, or just want gone give us a call today.


We offer Botox procedures to firm up lips and skin, treat wrinkles and fine lines as well as other problem areas wherever you may need. Call today to see if Botox is right for you.

Aesthetic Services:

We are proud to offer a variety of safe, same day aesthetic services to treat stubborn body hair or help reduce and remove unwanted hair, cellulite or fine lines and wrinkles.